Recognition isn’t Achieved, it’s Earned

Hassan Siddiqui
9 min readFeb 27, 2021


After so many years, Jack returns to the place of his birth once more to seek Recognition…

Jack sauntered towards the long yet familiar set of stairs ahead of him. He arrived at the base and looked towards the top. After taking a deep breath, he took his first step, climbing the daunting stairs.

The climb was about 100 feet steep. But that did not concern him. The sun was scorching hot, bombarding his tedious body with its blazing rays. But that did not concern him. The harsh wind hindered his every step from progression. But that did not concern him.

Jack’s mind was laser-focused on one thing and one thing only. To seek recognition. He reached the top soon enough. Ahead of him was a giant gate. One whose mere presence was to intimidate and convince ordinary men to turn back. But Jack had no intention of doing so. He was determined to see this to the end.

With immense effort, he pushed the gate open. He stepped inside and took off his wooden sandals. He placed them gently in an empty stand. With bare feet, he slowly walked towards the main grounds. In the center, a man was sitting in silence. Legs crossed, and eyes closed, he was meditating.

Jack placed his feet in the scorching sand. His soles stung just as much as before, but there was always a certain appeal to it. He walked gingerly towards the man as his feet got accustomed to the sand beneath him. He knew where he was going. The man waiting for him, knew where he was coming from.

Jack firmly dug his feet into the sand next to the man. He could stare a hole into him, yet the man was sitting with his back turned to Jack.

“Long have I waited for this moment. Not to see you. But to see myself standing against you,” said Jack.

Jack’s voice echoed through the grounds, slowly dissipating. He waited for a response, but none came. The man sitting before him was unfazed, as if the world around him did not concern him.

Jack spoke once again, “I know you can hear me. As much as you’d like to, you can’t ignore me anymore.

A frown developed on the man’s face as if he was interrupted from a deep sleep. He pursed his lips and finally spoke, “I see you have learned next to nothing in your endeavor. Your impatience, coupled with your shortsighted ambitions, have only gifted you failure. Why are you here, boy?”

“Master Blum… You may not see it, but I have returned with no ill intentions,” said Jack.

Master Blum slowly turned around and looked at his former disciple. He slowly placed his hand on the sand and balled it up. Lifting it up, he let the sand seep out of his iron grip.

“Master, you say…? I am surprised that you still call me that.”

Jack sunk to the sand and sat in front of his former Master. He crossed his legs as well and took a deep breath.

“I have returned for a multitude of reasons. But I am sure you have some questions that you want answered. Let’s get them out of the way before we begin.”

Master Blum flung his fist into the sand. The hand began to sink in the sand.

“I have nothing to ask of you, boy. I raised you from when you could not even hold a blade. Taught you everything you know. I can foresee every single thought that crosses your mind before it is born. Do you think I didn’t anticipate your departure? I know everything there is to know about what you have been up to. Seeking guidance and refuge from my greatest enemy. Aligning yourself within his ranks. Yet you have the audacity to come back here? You are lucky I have not ripped your flesh to shreds, boy.”

“Master, if your intelligence has been this accurate, then you must also know that I left him to return here. You may not see it that way, but there is always something to learn, whether from your friend or foe. I have learned tenfold of what I could have, under your tutelage.”

Master Blum pulled his fist from the sand, and it was dyed red from the heat. He looked into Jack’s eyes with a bloody rage, “You dare mock my teachings?! You would not be half the man that you are without them.”

“That may be true. But understand, that the remaining half was carved by me. And whether you like it or not, it has made me far stronger than before,” said Jack.

Is that so?” replied Master Blum.

Jack could notice the hint of sarcasm in his tone. His Master closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He slowly lifted his hand and reached for a small cup of tea. The scorching sand kept it warm, and the fumes were intoxicating. He inhaled the strong scent of the herbs in the tea, before taking a sip. He placed the cup back in its saucer.

“Very well, then. By tradition, I must test your incompetence in combat. Take this with you and place it on the table. Once you’re done, choose a weapon for yourself and bring it with you,” instructed Master Blum.

Jack rose to his feet and took the teacup. He walked towards the closet full of swords and glanced at all of them one by one. A smile crept up to his face as he realized that they had been untouched for so long. The place hadn’t changed a bit.

Jack reached towards the top and picked the most worn-out longsword. He unsheathed it and took it with him. The sword had a golden yellow glow to it.

“I see you chose that one. I am impressed that you remember. That is my favorite sword. Do you know why it has such a beautiful glow?” asked Master Blum.

Jack shook his head.

“Because of the blood that I have spilled over the years. That blade was as white as snow when it was first carved. And now it is as bright as the sun. Bringing such a dangerous weapon within my grasp would be your folly, boy.”

Jack looked at the sword and then looked back at his Master. He had come so far, and the time to turn around was gone. His heart was determined, and his mind was made up. He threw the blade in front of his Master, offering his favored weapon to him in combat.

Master Blum was puzzled by his behavior, “What is this…?”

Jack silently took off the cover from his back. He unsheathed a bright Katana blade and threw the cover aside. “If I wish to prove myself to you, there can’t be any excuses, Master.”

“Well, then. Let us see how much you have faltered, boy.”

Jack clenched his blade in his right hand. He looked across and saw his Master positioning himself in the sand, burying both of his feet. Master Blum motioned Jack to come, and he moved swiftly.

Jack rushed forward with his blade, striking his Master’s sword. He retracted and continued to attack with his aggressive speed, but Master Blum intercepted all of his attempts with his sturdy blade. At his age, he had gotten slow, but with the lack of speed came experience. There was not a single wasted movement in his steps.

“Is that all, boy? Honestly, I was expecting more.”

Grinding his teeth, Jack continued to attack from different directions, but Master Blum was still one step ahead of him. He was predicting Jack’s movements before he could even execute them. “I have taught you better than this, boy.”

Jack retreated to catch his breath. Master Blum moved his sword majestically to show that he was ready for anything that Jack could throw at him.

Jack ran towards his Master and swung his sword with brute force. He wished to overpower his older foe with his youthful strength. However, Master Blum swiftly directed his blade away from him, causing Jack to lose balance and fall ahead.

Jack got back up and swung his blade once more, expecting to change the outcome this time. But Master Blum quickly dodged his attack entirely. Jack was visibly frustrated at seeing a smile appear on his Master’s face.

He dashed towards his foe and unleashed a flurry of strikes, hoping to overwhelm his Master with his youthful quickness and agility. Master Blum blocked the first few strikes effortlessly but began to back away slowly.

Jack saw his first opening. A sign of weakness from his foe, and he immediately knew that he had to capitalize on it. He changed his tactics and delivered a powerful strike to overpower his Master.

However, Master Blum directed his blade away and countered it by striking the fingers of Jack with his sword. He fell for the bait. Jack jumped back and shifted his weapon to his left hand. The sand below him began to turn crimson red as blood was dripping excessively from his fist. He shook it off and adjusted his focus back on the man ahead of him.

“Are you done already, boy?”

Jack looked at his Master and saw that he was out of breath as well. A little more than he should’ve been. Although he was trying to conceal it, Jack had spent years with him and knew it was all a facade.

“As much as you’d hate to admit it, you’ve become weaker, Master. You don’t have much to teach me anymore.”

Master Blum replied, “I can still teach you plenty of discipline, boy.”

“That’s exactly it. Your old fundamental principles. Your discipline. You cling to them so dearly, yet they hold you back in battle. Without them, you are nothing.”

Master Blum was infuriated by the remarks of his former disciple. But more so than that, his anger stemmed from knowing that his sworn enemy had corrupted Jack’s mind. He swung his blade and moved swiftly towards Jack to strike a decisive blow. But it was immediately countered by Jack, and Master Blum realized that this time, he had fallen for his bait.

Stuck on the offensive, Master Blum struck once again only to have Jack counter it and push it back. With all his might, Jack swung his blade at his Master, who blocked it with his sword. The two were pushing forward, hoping to overcome their opponent.

Realizing his opponent’s strength, Master Blum directed the blade away from him, knowing he couldn’t overpower Jack. But Jack had anticipated his retreat and redirected his sword, striking his Master’s shoulder. Surprised and annoyed by his foes grit, Master Blum unleashed a set of quick and powerful strikes that pushed Jack backward. He tripped and fell on his back with Master Blum standing tall against him.

Master Blum raised his blade to strike a final blow, but Jack dug his hand underneath the sand and flung it at his Master’s face. Blinded by the dust, Master Blum dropped his sword and turned his back on Jack, who quickly rose to his feet. With all his might, Jack struck his Master’s back with his Katana leaving a large bleeding gap.

Confident in his victory, Jack finally closed in to strike the second time but was intercepted. Master Blum grabbed his blade with his bare hands and hurled him, overtaking his weapon. Jack looked up to see his Master holding the Katana next to his throat, declaring the end.

“It is over. You have lost.”

Jack slammed his fist into the sand beneath him, disappointed by the outcome. He did not want to lose. He did not expect to lose. Yet, he lost nonetheless.

Master Blum slowly raised the Katana and examined it. He looked back at Jack, who was lying defeated.

“Get up, boy. Although you have lost this battle, you have won my respect. More so than that, you have regained your honor.”

Jack gingerly got back to his feet and stared at his Master with a confused look.

“You gave me a worthy fight, and for that, I am thankful. More so than that, you have shown me that even I have things I have yet to learn. It seems your motives have a reason. And your expedition has not been in vain. I am proud of the warrior you have become. For it is time that the student has become the Master.”

Master Blum placed his hand on Jack after so many years. The Student and Master had finally reunited and were together.

The recognition that Jack sought for so long had been earned.



Hassan Siddiqui

Hassan is a Freelance Creative Writer and Scriptwriter. He spends his free time either marveling or getting riled up by stories. There is no in between.